How to Use this Toolkit
Coloradoscaping with Native Plants
- Definition of Coloradoscaping
- Why Coloradoscape with Native Plants?
- Time for Coloradoscaping to Replace Xeriscaping
Getting Started
Developing a Design
- How to Approach Developing a Design
- Low Water Native Plants for Colorado Gardens Booklets
- Kenton Seth’s Generic Front Range Design Plan (pdf form)
- Mulch Selection
- Container Gardening
- Fire Mitigation
Preparing Your Site and Removing Turf
- Removing Your Turf
- Xerces Society Site Preparation Guide
- Building a Rain Garden in Colorado
- Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond/Brad Lancaster
Selecting Native Plants for Your Landscape
- Native Plant Lists/Guides
- Native Plants for Specific Purposes
- All Native Plants are NOT Created Equal
- Container Gardening with Colorado Native Plants
- Shade Tolerant Native Plants
- Edible Colorado Native Plants
- A Brief Introduction to Colorado Native Short Grass Prairie Plants – Easy to Find and Grow
- Attracting Butterflies with Colorado Native Plants
- Wilding Your Landscape: Gardening for Insects, Pollinators and Wildlife
- Native Plants for Caterpillars and Birds
- Low Water Native Plants for Pollinators
- Native Plants by Form
- Grasses
- Flowering Perennials/Forbs/Wildflowers
- Trees
- Shrubs
Planting and Maintaining Your Native Plant Garden
- Best Practices for Establishing and Maintaining Colorado Native Plants
- Ask CSU Extension Anything: Keeping Dead Perennial Plant Stems for Insect Nesting
- Protecting Colorado Native Bee Habitat | Spring Stem Cleanup
- CSU Weed Management Pocket Guide
- Video of Native Planting Technique
Growing Native Plants from Seed
- Native Plant Seed Collection and Germination
- Germination Guide for Native Seeds by Jan Midgley (7/9/24 edition)
- Native Plant Propagation
Sourcing Native Plants and Seeds
Seeking Inspiration
Advocating for Native Plants and Landscapes
- Resources for Advocating for Native Planting Ordinances
- What to do if the “Weed Police” Knock on Your Door
- Video “How to Make Friends with the Weed Police”
- Native Plant Demonstration Garden Guide
- Actions to Influence Change at the Local Municipal Level
- Native Trees to Promote in Tree Ordinances and Landscaping Codes