Category: Colorado Native Plants

Native Plants – Colorado Front Range | Plant Swaps

If you’re looking for Native Plants for the Colorado Front Range, make sure to join us for our Native Plant Swaps each year in June and our Native Seed Swaps in the fall. Join us to get on our email list for announcements for upcoming native plant swaps and events. June is the month of […] Continue reading "Native Plants – Colorado Front Range | Plant Swaps"

Colorado Native Plants | Denver Post article: To conserve gardening resources, utilize Colorado native plants at home

Check out this article by Betty Cahill of the Denver Post about the benefits of gardening with Colorado native plants with additional resources for getting started. People browsing a wide variety of native plants at the free Denver Plant Swap on June 24, 2023. This annual event is organized by the Wild Ones Front Range […] Continue reading "Colorado Native Plants | Denver Post article: To conserve gardening resources, utilize Colorado native plants at home"

Colorado Wildflowers: Native Plants for Cut Flowers

By Helen SkibaFarmer, Artemis Flower Farm Did you know that many Colorado Wildflowers make great cut flowers? You could plant lots of native Colorado wildflowers in your yard for use in bouquets. Finding a native plant that also works as a cut flower can be challenging! Cut flowers need to stand up to plenty of […] Continue reading "Colorado Wildflowers: Native Plants for Cut Flowers"

Why Go Beyond Xeriscaping to Coloradoscape?

Primary authors: Deb Lebow Aal & Danna Liebert The Front Range of Colorado is (or was) a short grass prairie ecosystem. That is what issupposed to be here, or at least what was here before European settlers came. Those plants that were here before Europeans arrived we refer to as native plants. The plants that […] Continue reading "Why Go Beyond Xeriscaping to Coloradoscape?"

Colorado Native Wildflowers | Favorite Early Spring Bloomers

By Michelle Kinshella Dreary Old Man Winter is still upon us, but soon our calendar will be telling us it’s Spring—the gardener’s favorite time of year! “Conventional” gardeners anticipate their tulips and crocuses, but we native plant lovers have so much more to look forward to, especially if you’re willing to venture forth on a […] Continue reading "Colorado Native Wildflowers | Favorite Early Spring Bloomers"

Colorado Continues to Invest in Turf Conversion Programs

As discussed in the February WOFR newsletter, the Colorado General Assembly enacted House Bill 22-1151 in June, 2022. This legislation established a statewide turf replacement program and authorized a limited amount of funding to accelerate lawn conversions. Grants provided under HB-22-1151 will complement and further support the existing rebate and incentive programs of local municipal […] Continue reading "Colorado Continues to Invest in Turf Conversion Programs"

How to Remove Your Lawn and Select a Colorado Native Turf Alternative

By Ayn Schmit One of the first goals for many gardeners new to landscaping with native plants is to rid their landscape – in part or entirely – of non-native turf. Doing so is a no-brainer! Non-native turf grasses are ecological dead zones, they require large amounts of water, and often prompt gardeners to use […] Continue reading "How to Remove Your Lawn and Select a Colorado Native Turf Alternative"

Colorado Native Shrubs | Red Twig Dogwood/ Cornus Servicea

There’s nothing better for a gardener at this time of year than to see color in their winter landscape. Yellows and reds can highlight the browns and greys of winter. One of the best Colorado native shrubs you can have in your landscape is Red Twig Dogwood, or Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus servicea). This plant […] Continue reading "Colorado Native Shrubs | Red Twig Dogwood/ Cornus Servicea"

Colorado Landscaping Summit Recap

By Danna Liebert Thanks to Jenifer S. Heath and Barney White for contributing to this piece. On November 9, The Colorado Water Conservation Board hosted an all-day “Colorado Landscaping Summit” to discuss the implementation of Colorado’s Turf Replacement Bill, HB22-1151, and outdoor water conservation strategies being used in different cities. While native plants were mentioned, […] Continue reading "Colorado Landscaping Summit Recap"

Member Spotlight: Laurel Starr

Laurel brings her energy and passion to the Wild Ones Front Range Chapter as a volunteer on our Programming Committee. She prefers contributing in a variety of ways, including moderating virtual webinars, organizing garden tours, and leading field trips. When asked about her experience volunteering with the Programming Committee, Laurel said, “I was initially worried that I […] Continue reading "Member Spotlight: Laurel Starr"