Category: Colorado Native Plants

Member & Garden Spotlight: Dan Rink

Editor’s note: The following article is written by WOFR member, Dan Rink, who responded to our request for personal stories of growing native plants, and whose home garden is beginning to flourish with them. Thanks, Dan, for sharing! We look forward to following your journey. All photos by Dan Rink When I first started this […] Continue reading "Member & Garden Spotlight: Dan Rink"

Tips, Tricks, and Info for Planting Native Plants on the Front Range

by Wild Ones Front Range Chapter Board Members This month we thought we’d go “trick or treating” for (i.e. do a deep dive into) nuggets of wisdom our Chapter Board Members (and prospective Board Members) have to hand out from their own experience planting natives in their landscapes – tips, tricks, and info that will […] Continue reading "Tips, Tricks, and Info for Planting Native Plants on the Front Range"

Project Spotlight: Cherry Creek Renovation Tour Report

Looking back on midsummer, the weather gave us a welcome break for our tour on Sunday, July 24. At meeting time, the temperature was in the low 70’s – a great respite from the previous week’s highs in the upper 90’s, especially since there wasn’t a shade tree in sight! We gathered – twelve Wild Ones […] Continue reading "Project Spotlight: Cherry Creek Renovation Tour Report"

Fire Resistant Landscaping and Colorado Native Plants

By Deb Lebow Aal. Updated October 2023. This is a topic every Colorado homeowner should pay attention to. As you all know, our fire season in the West is getting longer and hotter. And, while it’s of much greater concern if you live close to the rural/forest intersection, it is now relevant even for urban […] Continue reading "Fire Resistant Landscaping and Colorado Native Plants"

Native Plant Garden Pairings

by Danna Liebert As advocates for Colorado native landscaping, you may have claimed (as we have) that you can create any traditional landscape style with natives; the whole story, as many of us know, is complicated: not all CO native plants are low-water; some need space to roam (spreading by rhizomes or reseeding); some don’t […] Continue reading "Native Plant Garden Pairings"

WOFR Propagation Work

by Peggy Hanson Under the great leadership and organization of Wild Ones member, Pam Schulz, the Propagation Committee has had an amazing inaugural year. Pam has set up monthly workshops since the inception meeting in November 2021. Members have benefitted from the technical guidance of member Jan Midgley and Harlequin nursery staff in learning methods of propagating […] Continue reading "WOFR Propagation Work"

So Many Alternatives to Non Native Turf

By Deb Lebow Aal; Updated October 2023 by Jen Smith Here we are again, talking about grass. I mean the Kentucky Blue Grass (KBG) and other non-native expanses we use as our default landscape. We wrote articles on this in past Wild Ones Front Range chapter newsletters (That Non Native Turf Grass Has Got to […] Continue reading "So Many Alternatives to Non Native Turf"

Crevice Gardens

by Kenton Seth Editor’s note: This article is abridged from the original for use in this newsletter. To read the full article, originally published in The Blazing Star (the quarterly publication of the North American Native Plant Society, For those who have long been supporters of native plants and their supported creatures, the recent fad […] Continue reading "Crevice Gardens"