Wild Ones Social Media Volunteer, Website Designer, Graphic Designer and Passionate Gardener

Meet Idelle! She is an avid gardener – to say the least! Idelle grew up in Thornton, Colorado and is a DU grad in graphic communications. Idelle runs an organic community garden in Denver where she’s worked with the members to create pollinator habitat featuring many native plants. Idelle also has a large organic landscape and garden at home. She and her husband recently replaced some of their front lawn with a native plant bed.
In addition to gardening, Idelle runs her own business offering Website Design and Graphic Design, and loves working with “green” clients who are helping to change the world for the better (check her out at picklewix.com).
When answering three simple questions, Idelle demonstrated her enthusiasm for conscious gardening.
Why I am involved with Wild Ones Front Range:
“It is great to have like-minded passionate people to support local wildlife and promote non-pesticide use. I am now the Social Media voice for our Chapter and believe that Wild Ones is a great contributor to the Front Range garden community as we can learn from others’ experiences and perspectives, and share native plants and seeds!”
My three favorite native plants:
“Only 3… no way! Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Hardy Geraniums, and Goldenrod.”
What are my most used garden hacks?
“Mulch in place. I deadhead then tuck the debris under the plant. It’s free mulch! The method is called chop and drop. I added the tuck!” Word on the street is that Idelle is a fanatical weeder!

“As far as planting seeds, the best is to start seeds by winter sowing. I use milk jugs and sprout some of my veggies and native plants. To be successful we really need to keep them moist over the winter.”
The Wild Ones Front Range chapter thanks Idelle for her volunteer work with us, posting our social media content, and advising us on our website. Idelle is a treasure to work with.
Curious to learn more about transforming your garden into a habitat with Colorado native wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees? Check out our native gardening toolkit, register for an upcoming event, subscribe to our newsletter, and/or become a member – if you’re not one already!