Author: Jennifer Smith

Colorado Native Plant Landscaping | Jefferson County Xeriscape, Native & Plant Select Demonstration Gardens

During our hot Colorado summer, twenty-five Wild Ones participants were gifted with a wonderfully cool and comfortable morning to explore two public gardens in Jefferson County: Jefferson County Fairgrounds CSU Extension Native Plant & Plant Select Demonstration Gardens, and Lakewood’s Kendrick Lake Park Xeriscape Demonstration Gardens. The native gardens are easily accessible and worth visiting […] Continue reading "Colorado Native Plant Landscaping | Jefferson County Xeriscape, Native & Plant Select Demonstration Gardens"

Colorado Native Plants | 2023 Plant Swaps Recap

Once again, Wild Ones Front Range partnered with several other like-minded organizations and individuals to host our annual plant swaps in June.  One was held in Fort Collins on June 17th and the other was held at Denver’s Earthlinks on June 24th.  Happily, word is getting out and both swaps are growing!  More attendees are […] Continue reading "Colorado Native Plants | 2023 Plant Swaps Recap"

Pollinator Yard Tour in Fort Collins

Thanks to Ruth Inglis-Widrick for hosting a tour of her Fort Collins pollinator paradise garden. Attendees were charmed by the abundance of bumblebees, flowers and trees. Ruth also shared how she grew from a novice gardener into a passionate advocate for native bees by transforming her home landscape and connecting to her local community. Curious […] Continue reading "Pollinator Yard Tour in Fort Collins"

Colorado Native Plant Demonstration Garden | Tour of Denver’s Greenverein “Hell Strip” @ Turnverein

We had a great group come out to tour the Greenverein Garden, which was started in 2019 as a collaboration between Denver Turnverein, Uptown on the Hill, and Front Range Wild Ones on a former Denver hell strip located on Clarkson Street! The garden is 100′ long and 11′ wide and uses berms, swales, check […] Continue reading "Colorado Native Plant Demonstration Garden | Tour of Denver’s Greenverein “Hell Strip” @ Turnverein"

Colorado Native Plant Landscaping | Visit to Jan Midgley’s Lakewood Garden

Wild Ones Front Range members were treated to a tour of Jan Midgley’s garden in Lakewood. Jan grew most of her native plants from seed and so attendees were excited to see the possibilities. We are also grateful that Jan has been documenting Colorado native plant propagation protocols in her Germination Guide so that anyone […] Continue reading "Colorado Native Plant Landscaping | Visit to Jan Midgley’s Lakewood Garden"

Denver Member Meet & Greet

We had a fabulous Meet & Greet at the Wild Ones Front Range Colorado native plant demonstration garden at EKAR Farms. Thanks to all who came out! Curious to learn more about transforming your garden into a habitat with Colorado native wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees? Check out our native gardening toolkit, register for an upcoming event, subscribe […] Continue reading "Denver Member Meet & Greet"

Colorado Native Plants | Denver Native Plant Swap & Giveaway

What a fabulous turnout for the Third Annual Denver Native Plant Swap & Giveaway! Attendees had over 4,500 regionally native plants to choose from across a wide range of species. Thanks for all of your native plant donations. The magic of this swap is that one year you may “take some” and then, as your […] Continue reading "Colorado Native Plants | Denver Native Plant Swap & Giveaway"

Colorado Native Plants | Fort Collins Plant Swap at the Xeriscape Garden Party

Over 300 people came out for the Second Annual Fort Collins Pollinator Plant Swap! Thanks to the many people who donated plants from their personal gardens and to OneCanopy, who donated greenhouse space for the committee to grow native seedlings. Enjoy getting these plants into your landscape to build more habitat and support local ecosystems. […] Continue reading "Colorado Native Plants | Fort Collins Plant Swap at the Xeriscape Garden Party"

Colorado Native Plant Landscapes | Jefferson County Members Garden Crawl

Jefferson County members attended a garden crawl to four gardens on June 17th. Curious to learn more about transforming your garden into a habitat with Colorado native wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees? Check out our native gardening toolkit, register for an upcoming event, subscribe to our newsletter, and/or become a member – if you’re not one already! Continue reading "Colorado Native Plant Landscapes | Jefferson County Members Garden Crawl"

Colorado Native Plants | Denver Post article: To conserve gardening resources, utilize Colorado native plants at home

Check out this article by Betty Cahill of the Denver Post about the benefits of gardening with Colorado native plants with additional resources for getting started. People browsing a wide variety of native plants at the free Denver Plant Swap on June 24, 2023. This annual event is organized by the Wild Ones Front Range […] Continue reading "Colorado Native Plants | Denver Post article: To conserve gardening resources, utilize Colorado native plants at home"