Colorado Native Plants | Fort Collins Plant Swap at the Xeriscape Garden Party

Posted on | Native Plant & Seed Swaps

Over 300 people came out for the Second Annual Fort Collins Pollinator Plant Swap! Thanks to the many people who donated plants from their personal gardens and to OneCanopy, who donated greenhouse space for the committee to grow native seedlings.

Enjoy getting these plants into your landscape to build more habitat and support local ecosystems. Plus, next year, you may have more seedlings to share with others.

A HUGE thank you to the volunteers covering who covered so many tasks, including plant potting up and labeling, set up, taking in plant donations, checking people in, keeping the plants inventory watered and organized, and cleaning up post-event. So much was needed, and this crew delivered! Please consider helping at this fall’s seed swap or next year’s plant swap. It is a FUN group to work with.

This year’s event was sponsored by Fort Collins Utilities, Nature in the City Fort Collins, Colorado Native Plant Society of Northern Colorado, Wildlands Restoration Volunteers, League of Women Voters Larimer County Pollinator Habitat Group, People and Pollinators Action Network and Wild Ones Front Range Chapter. Thank you!

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