I talked to a couple people today that said, “Gee, I’d really like to get involved in Wild Ones but with my schedule I don’t know if I could ever make the meetings.” It was followed up with comments about working weekends and such. This is curious to me because we haven’t even set any dates yet.
My theory is that the people who show up or speak up get to make the decisions (like meeting days & times & locations) in organizations. Of course, it is not realistic to believe that we can pick dates that will work for everyone every time. But we will work hard to find dates that work for the majority. Maybe we will decide on a ‘regular’ meeting time on weekday evenings for lecture style programs with guest speakers. Or maybe it should be weekday lunches? Maybe special garden tours or garden meetings will be on a weekend morning or afternoon so that we can enjoy the landscape and study the plants. Or should we meet at a private garden in the evening to watch the sunset? Maybe we will alternate meeting times during the first year or two and partner with other organizations to reach more people. I don’t know.
This leads me to my next question – What meeting days & times would work best for you? And, while we are at it what part of town (meaning the Denver-metro area) is easiest to meet? Just leave a comment on this blog and make your voice heard. The more people we hear from the better our chances of sprouting an active, successful Wild Ones chapter.