Volunteer Spotlight – Pam Schulz

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This month we’d like to highlight WOFR
member Pam Schulz for her leadership,
commitment to the mission, and volunteer
efforts. Pam has contributed in so many
ways toward our thriving chapter:

  • She formed, developed and chaired the
    chapter’s Propagation Committee
  • Led wonderful hike programs up and
    down the Front Range
  • Contributes amazing botanical
    photographs to the chapter albums for
    the chapter’s use
  • Serves as co-chair for the Douglas &
    Elbert Counties WOFR region

Pam has recently stepped down from her role as Chair of the Propagation Committee
for other pursuits including travel to exotic places and we thought it a perfect time to
give her a shout out of appreciation.

For many years we received member comments and survey responses requesting more
propagation training. In 2021, Pam answered the call to lead and help form the new
Propagation Committee. Pam brought amazing energy, organizational skills and
technical knowledge (native plants and computer savvy) to the task. The committee
members benefited greatly. Pam provided templates for folks to record and share
species propagation information on a master list—spreading the wisdom learned
through experience. She painstakingly sorted Jan Midgley’s propagation manual by
season (Winter/Spring) to help committee members easily identify what species to
propagate when. In partnership with Jan Midgley, she facilitated many virtual
propagation workshops and facilitated three very successful in-person workshops. In
partnership with member Brian Rasmussen, she coordinated a committee plant swap
and committee seed collection events. Finally, she provided two years of support to the
Plant Swap Committee to ensure a robust inventory to open the event. And all those
little seedlings that weren’t ready for the swap? She babysat hundreds of them in 2022
as they matured over the summer to distribute to members, demonstration gardens and
other community gardens.

Thankfully, Pam will continue on in her role as regional co-coordinator for Douglas
and Elbert Counties along with WOFR members Diane Cribley and Fran Tate. Her
expertise, passion and amazing photographs will continue to draw people to understand
the importance and love of landscaping with native plants.

NOTE: We are still seeking a volunteer to serve as facilitator/leader of the
Propagation Committee. No need to be an expert; Pam has left a scaled down model
and this is a wonderful group of earnest members with whom to enjoy learning about
propagating natives.