Member & Garden Spotlight: Dan Rink

Posted on | Chapter Updates, Colorado Native Plants
WOFR member Dan Rink in his garden

Editor’s note: The following article is written by WOFR member, Dan Rink, who responded to our request for personal stories of growing native plants, and whose home garden is beginning to flourish with them. Thanks, Dan, for sharing! We look forward to following your journey. All photos by Dan Rink

When I first started this garden in Centennial, CO, I was mostly interested in growing vegetables and edible forest gardens with fruit trees, berry bushes, culinary herbs, veggies, and fruiting climbing plants, all woven together, intermingling. Over time, I became more enthralled with the plants in my garden that were attracting the most pollinators. I just loved to see the garden swarming with all different kinds of life! Also, I was always looking for ways to use less water in the garden. The result is a wild, mixed planting of edible plants and native plants, a dynamic work in progress.

After a few setbacks from the rampant rabbit population in our neighborhood (the front yard is now a jungle of anti-rabbit chicken wire cages, which I’m hoping to remove when the plants mature and can hopefully fend for themselves), native plant gardens have begun to take over. Participating in Wild Ones events has inspired me to continue to add wonderful native plants to the garden.

Enjoy these photos of what’s currently thriving in my garden!

Dan Rink's garden midday
Garden Midday
Dan Rink's garden - herbs and natives
Culinary herbs, Chocolate Flower, and Asclepias tuberosa
Dan Rink's garden - swallowtail and Rocky Mtn bee plant
Swallowtail and Rocky Mountain Bee Plant
Dan Rink's garden - blackberries and native plants
Blackberries and
Machaeranthera tanacetifolia
Dan Rink's garden - monarch and Rocky Mtn bee plant
Monarch and Rocky Mountain Bee Plant
Dan Rink's garden - herbs, primrose, poppy, chocolate flower, Rocky Mtn bee plant
Culinary herbs, Pale Evening Primrose, California Poppy, Chocolate Flower, Rocky Mountain Bee Plant

Curious to learn more about transforming your garden into a habitat with Colorado native wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees? Check out our native gardening toolkit, register for an upcoming event, subscribe to our newsletter, and/or become a member – if you’re not one already!