Low Water Native Plant for Colorado Gardens Booklets

Posted on | Colorado Native Plants

Created by the Colorado Native Plant Society, Denver Botanical Gardens, Wild Ones Front Range Chapter and others, these are comprehensive and easy to use booklets about native plant gardening in Colorado. Comes complete with plant lists that cover everything from a plant’s habit to its ecological value and provides nice visuals of plants and landscapes!

These are a great resource for beginning gardeners or gardeners who would like some more direction in transforming some of their yard to habitat. Each guide pertains to a different region of Colorado.

Front Range & Foothills

Low water Colorado native plants for Colorado gardens on the Front Range and in the foothills

Prairie & Plains

Low water native plants for Colorado gardens on hte prairie and in the plains

Western Slope below 7,000′

Low water native plants for Colorado gardens on the western slope below 7,000'

Southeastern Colorado

Low water native plants for Colorado gardens in Southeastern Colorado

Mountains 7,500′ and Above

Low water native plants for Colorado gardens in the mountains at 7,500' and above

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