Author: Colleen Lyon

What Native Plants Work Well as Both a Windbreak and a Shelter Belt for Native Birds and Insects?

This question and answer are part of our Ask CSU Extension Anything (About Native Plants) series. We appreciate CSU Extension for answering these questions to expand our community’s knowledge of native plant landscaping. Send us your questions to the Ask CSU email account. FULL QUESTION: I have 35 acres in Elizabeth. Rolling hills, native grasslands and […] Continue reading "What Native Plants Work Well as Both a Windbreak and a Shelter Belt for Native Birds and Insects?"

Wild Ones Front Range Chapter Plant of the Month: Pinus aristata (Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pine)

By Pam Sherman Why should we pay attention to this astounding tree? Character, for one. The Colorado Tree Coalition advises landscapers: “Plant as a single species in a rock garden or other well-drained site. It is not a formal looking tree. It develops ‘character.’ Can be trained as a bonsai.”  Second, bristlecone provides watershed and […] Continue reading "Wild Ones Front Range Chapter Plant of the Month: Pinus aristata (Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pine)"

A Bold Project to Rewild Denver and Employ Refugees

By Avi Stopper In early 2022, Wild Ones Front Range Chapter board member Deb Lebow Aal and I launched Oasis West Wash Park, a volunteer project to help neighbors in West Washington Park, a central Denver neighborhood, replace unused grass with Colorado native plants. The vision is to turn the neighborhood into a gigantic botanic […] Continue reading "A Bold Project to Rewild Denver and Employ Refugees"