Tag: Colorado Native Trees

Plant Spotlight: Rocky Mountain Juniper

By Karen Vanderwall and Kristine Johnson I know, just the thought of planting a juniper (Juniperus scopulorum) on purpose in or near your garden of all places seems unlikely–or at least way down on the list of interesting plants you’re “pining” for. But you may want to give the humble native juniper some consideration. Juniperus […] Continue reading "Plant Spotlight: Rocky Mountain Juniper"

Garden Myths #2

by Deborah Lebow Aal The ‘Gardening Myths’ article I wrote last year was our most popular article ever. It has been reprinted in several other newsletters, including Denver Audubon (linked here), and we received many comments. Following up with ‘Gardening Myths #2’ was inevitable. In most cases, there is no right or wrong ‘answer’ to […] Continue reading "Garden Myths #2"

Colorado Native Oaks, Again!

By Deb Lebow Aal I have written an article on Gambel Oaks, and another article on why all native plants are not equal. This article combines the two, and coins the term super native plants! Oak trees are super native plants, as anyone who listened to Doug Tallamy’s talk on oaks last month knows. Doug’s […] Continue reading "Colorado Native Oaks, Again!"

Gamble on a Gambel Oak and Some Other Colorado Native Trees for the Front Range

by Deborah Lebow Aal You are right. There aren’t many native trees on the Front Range. I wrote an article on Native Trees for the Colorado Front Range a few years ago, but since we have so many new members, and since it is perhaps the most common question I get (What trees do you recommend?), we will […] Continue reading "Gamble on a Gambel Oak and Some Other Colorado Native Trees for the Front Range"