Category: Colorado Native Plants

Gardening for More than Beauty | Restoring Nature and A Sense of Place

By Deb Lebow Aal. Updated October 2023 by Jen Smith. We garden for beauty. We love to make our landscapes look nice, and that is a wonderful reason to be a gardener. But, we can balance gardening for beauty with gardening to ensure we are in harmony with the ecosystem; that we are providing a […] Continue reading "Gardening for More than Beauty | Restoring Nature and A Sense of Place"

A Lawn on the Front Range or Colorado Native Plants?

By: Deborah Lebow Aal Despite their standardized curb appeal, are lawns really all they’re cracked up to be? With all of their harmful impacts on the environment from carbon emissions to over fertilization, pesticide treatments, and water consumption, the answer is likely, not so much!!! You might be able to get away with a lawn […] Continue reading "A Lawn on the Front Range or Colorado Native Plants?"

Edible Native Plants for Colorado Front Range Landscapes

By Deb Lebow Aal When I mention the word “garden” to people, I often get “oh, I love tomatoes and cucumbers. I always have a garden!” It didn’t occur to me untill recently that I should use the word yard or landscape, if I want to go beyond tomatoes, or beyond a typical vegetable plot […] Continue reading "Edible Native Plants for Colorado Front Range Landscapes"

Attracting Butterflies with Colorado Native Wildflowers, Shrubs, Vines and Trees

By Deb Lebow Aal DID YOU KNOW –  Butterflies taste with their feet, and use their antenna to smell!! Butterflies are fascinating and beautiful creatures that frequent gardens and wildscapes throughout the Spring, Summer, and Fall. They like a wide perch to land on and are attracted to bright colors (Bees can’t see red, but butterflies […] Continue reading "Attracting Butterflies with Colorado Native Wildflowers, Shrubs, Vines and Trees"

Container Gardening with Colorado Native Plants

By Deborah Lebow Aal, with assistance from Nevin Bebee and Diane Stahl As we’ve mentioned in our Native Plant Landscaping Statement, we recognize that many people don’t have access to a yard but perhaps have a porch or terrace, and would like to do something for the environment, the food web, and wildlife, i.e., plant […] Continue reading "Container Gardening with Colorado Native Plants"

Colorado Native Wildflower: Solidago – Goldenrod

By Deb Lebow Aal Many of us know this plant, Goldenrod (Solidago), although it is often overlooked in the garden. It has lovely yellow flowers that bloom just as everything else is fading in your garden. It sways beautifully in the wind, and is a lovely companion plant to purple asters in the fall. Despite […] Continue reading "Colorado Native Wildflower: Solidago – Goldenrod"

Join Us at Our Introductory Meeting!

Hello Wild Ones!Thank you for stopping by our exhibit at the Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference and signing up to hear more about our Front Range Wild Ones Introductory Meeting. We are excited to have you as part of our community! You are receiving this email because you have specifically expressed interest in attending […] Continue reading "Join Us at Our Introductory Meeting!"