

The American Chestnut: An Environmental History

Book Review The American Chestnut: An Environmental History (University of Georgia Press, 2021), by Donald Edward Davis, PhD By Jonathan Sciarcon, Ph.D. Although American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) is not native to Colorado, Donald Edward Davis’ recent book, The American Chestnut: An Environmental History, holds lessons for those of us who care about the role native […] Continue reading "The American Chestnut: An Environmental History"

Attracting Beneficial Insects with Native Plants

By Karim Gharbi While I appreciate the advances in horticulture that have allowed us to feed 8 billion people, that appreciation does not extend to the pesticide industry. This idea that we can dominate nature with “quick fixes” like insecticides or herbicides is hubris. Mother Nature developed the tools to self-regulate long ago, we need […] Continue reading "Attracting Beneficial Insects with Native Plants"

Questions to Ask a Native Plant Landscaper

By Kristine Johnson While many members of Wild Ones Front Range are totally on the DIY (do it yourself) bandwagon–for various reasons or for various portions of our space–we may also reach out for help from professionals. Native plant landscaping can feel daunting. So how do you find someone who is a good fit for […] Continue reading "Questions to Ask a Native Plant Landscaper"

Book Review: The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World

Review by Kristine Johnson I had the privilege of hearing a conversation between beloved author and Indigenous scientist Robin Wall Kimmerer and renowned Colorado poet Camille Dungy about Kimmerer’s new book, The Serviceberry, at a reading in Boulder in December. I have been thinking about the book ever since, thrusting my copy onto others to […] Continue reading "Book Review: The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World"

Health, Happiness…and Gardening!

By Deborah Lebow Aal Everyone is concerned with health these days. We consume inordinate amounts of media about keeping ourselves healthy and buy enough supplements to fill bathtubs. But there’s more to keeping healthy than taking vitamin D and Ozempic (does that make you healthy?) and getting a gym membership. Turns out that getting your […] Continue reading "Health, Happiness…and Gardening!"

Plant Spotlight: Rocky Mountain Juniper

By Karen Vanderwall and Kristine Johnson I know, just the thought of planting a juniper (Juniperus scopulorum) on purpose in or near your garden of all places seems unlikely–or at least way down on the list of interesting plants you’re “pining” for. But you may want to give the humble native juniper some consideration. Juniperus […] Continue reading "Plant Spotlight: Rocky Mountain Juniper"

Compost and the Native Plant Garden

By Kristine Johnson What is compost? Compost is the “managed, aerobic (oxygen-requiring) biological decomposition of organic materials by microorganisms.” While we know that everything living eventually breaks down and returns nutrients to the earth, the process of composting can speed up decomposition, benefit certain decomposers, conserve nutrients, and yield a uniform product useful in gardening.   […] Continue reading "Compost and the Native Plant Garden"

Your Landscape Actions Can Actually Save the Planet!

(Or at least help, a lot) By Kristine Johnson The Wild Ones mission statement focuses on native plants for healthy ecosystems, and the Front Range Chapter speaks to landscaping for a climate-resilient future. Why is this important, and what can sound gardening techniques anchored on native plants provide beyond this? Many people know that we […] Continue reading "Your Landscape Actions Can Actually Save the Planet!"