Author: Felicia Brower

Highlighting Chapter Activities: Meet the Natives, A Talk by Beth Hanson

By Deborah Lebow Aal, Lisa Olsen, and Beth Hanson Wild Ones Front Range Chapter and Highlands Garden Center hosted a talk by Beth Hanson entitled “Meet the Natives” on June 29, 2019. We were competing on that date with the Colorado Native Plant Society’s garden tours, but we had a wonderful turnout. Goes to show […] Continue reading "Highlighting Chapter Activities: Meet the Natives, A Talk by Beth Hanson"

Rocky Mountain penstemon: An excellent choice for a native plant garden

By Cynthia Reiners Rocky Mountain penstemon, Penstemon strictus, is an attractive Colorado native perennial that meets several important objectives for a suburban native plant gardener. This species of penstemon is often commercially available, easily grown in a variety of micro-climates and ordinary soil, and visibly supports the local web of life. A less well- known […] Continue reading "Rocky Mountain penstemon: An excellent choice for a native plant garden"

A Lawn on the Front Range or Colorado Native Plants?

By: Deborah Lebow Aal Despite their standardized curb appeal, are lawns really all they’re cracked up to be? With all of their harmful impacts on the environment from carbon emissions to over fertilization, pesticide treatments, and water consumption, the answer is likely, not so much!!! You might be able to get away with a lawn […] Continue reading "A Lawn on the Front Range or Colorado Native Plants?"