Help us educate more people about creating and promoting native plant Coloradoscapes by sharing your time and talents with us. We’re a volunteer-run chapter, so every member willing to help makes a meaningful impact. Plus, it’s fun to work with and learn from other people who are passionate about native plant landscaping! Please email us to share your interest and learn more.
Email us to get on our interest list to volunteer with Plant & Seed Swaps!
We expect there will be additional openings as we plan native Plant Swap and Seed Swap events. We often need help with potting up native plants for the swaps.
Maintenance at Denver Parks & Recreation 23rd Avenue Garden
Help us tackle the weeds at this lovely, mostly native plant park in central Denver. The garden is in front of the city’s greenhouses just east of York Street along 23rd Avenue. No experience needed – we’ll show you what to focus on. It’s a great way to learn more about native plants, help the city, and meet others in our local native plant community. No need to commit to every week – drop in as your schedule allows! Email us for more information. This opportunity is complete for 2024 – check back in the spring about 2025 dates!
Greenverein Demonstration Garden Maintenance
Help us weed, prune, and collect seeds at the Greenverein Demonstration Garden. Greenverein is a 100′ long primarily native plant garden on the north side of the Denver Turnverein Dance Center at 1570 Clarkson Street, Denver 80218. This opportunity is complete for 2024 – check back in the spring about 2025 dates!
Blog Post Coordinator (Members Only)
Do you like sharing information about our chapter and native Coloradoscaping? In this role, you will create blog posts for our newsletter articles each month so that the information is easy to find. We will train you on how to use WordPress to create blog posts.
Outreach Event Tabling (Members Only)
Do you enjoy speaking with people about Coloradoscaping and the resources we offer? We are always looking for members across each region to represent our chapter at events, such as the Plant & Seed Swaps. You would work an event shift with a more seasoned chapter leader for mentoring and support.
Board President (Members Only)
Do you love native plants and want to lead the organization in fulfillment of our mission and chapter goals? Our chapter needs your talents! In the President role, you will lead the activities of the board of directors as an officer, work with other committed members to determine the organization’s strategy to meet our mission goals, and develop partnerships and collaborations with other organizations. Attendance at our monthly board meetings on the third Wednesday of the month from 6 – 8 pm is required. This is a great opportunity to lead the largest Wild Ones chapter and contribute toward its future.
Board Members (Members Only)
Are you interested in working with other passionate board and/or committee members to determine how our chapter can best deliver on its mission? Would you enjoy managing projects to help our chapter thrive and increase our impact in the community? Board members attend our monthly virtual board meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6 – 8 pm. They also chair at least one of our committees and work to ensure we are delivering on our mission objectives. By joining our board, you will help us make meaningful positive change while bonding with other passionate native plant people.