Tag: Front Range Landscapes

Questions to Ask a Native Plant Landscaper

By Kristine Johnson While many members of Wild Ones Front Range are totally on the DIY (do it yourself) bandwagon–for various reasons or for various portions of our space–we may also reach out for help from professionals. Native plant landscaping can feel daunting. So how do you find someone who is a good fit for […] Continue reading "Questions to Ask a Native Plant Landscaper"

Book Review: Zen Garden Design Concepts for Native Gardens

Review by Pam Sherman Our native plant gardens are more than habitat for insects, birds and mammals. They are also calming and nurturing spaces for humans. As we grow in our understanding of native garden design, it is inevitable that we will move toward habitat that considers the five elements in harmony with the human […] Continue reading "Book Review: Zen Garden Design Concepts for Native Gardens"

A Colorado Pocket Prairie

By Deb Lebow Aal As we approach the winter solstice, I am taking time to pull back, pull inside, reorganize, and yes, already think about my landscape for next year. We gardeners don’t only find solace and joy in working in our gardens, but planning them as well, and as a respite from the tumult […] Continue reading "A Colorado Pocket Prairie"

Saying Goodbye to a Beloved Demo Garden

By Kristin Laux and Ayn Schmit As many of you know, our chapter has had a beautiful demo garden at Ekar Farm in Denver since 2021. As Ayn Schmit wrote in her 2022 article: “Ekar Farm, located on land belonging to the Denver Academy of Torah, is a non-profit organization that fosters community and connection […] Continue reading "Saying Goodbye to a Beloved Demo Garden"

Garden Thugs

By Deb Lebow Aal Jonathan Sciarcon in his article “Consider Rewilding Your Yard with Aggressive Native Plants” has made a great case for strategically placing what he calls aggressive native plants, and what I call garden thugs, in your yard. I heartily agree with his arguments and have a few more to add to the […] Continue reading "Garden Thugs"

Native Plants for Hummingbirds

By Kate Hogan* I started my home garden native plant conversion back in 2015 – I foolishly decided to attempt to replant my entire front and back garden beds to exclusively Colorado and New Mexico native plants while on maternity leave with my second child, which happened to be September of that year.  We had […] Continue reading "Native Plants for Hummingbirds"

I Know You Want To Water Less

By Deb Lebow Aal In July, 2021, we reprinted an article from Harlequin Gardens on tips and tricks to water less. We’d like to highlight some of those tricks, again, add to them, and update some ideas from that article. That article focused on the advantages of xeriscaping your landscape; we’ve moved away from that […] Continue reading "I Know You Want To Water Less"