Donate to support the 2021 Native Seed Shares
Donations made at these events will be pooled to cover event costs and fund the organizing partners’ missions. Thank you for your generous support.

Shared seeds were collected and donated by fellow native plant enthusiasts in home and public gardens. Permission to collect and additional donations of native seeds were generously offered by the following organizations:
- Anne Clark Design
- Applewood Seed Co.
- Carson Nature Center, South Suburban Parks & Recreation
- City & County of Denver Northeast District Natural Areas
- City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks
- Denver Audubon Nature Center
- Granite Seed & Erosion Control
- Harlequin’s Gardens Wholesale
- High Plains Environmental Center
- Lakewood Parks Division
- Nix Native Garden, City of Fort Collins Natural Areas
- Manitou Springs Seed Library
- McGregor Mountain Lodge
- Northern Water
- South Suburban Parks & Recreation
- Sugar Beet Park Pollinator Garden, City of Fort Collins Parks & Nature in the City
- Summer Home Garden
- The Gardens on Spring Creek, City of Fort Collins
- Wildlands Restoration Volunteers
- Willow Creek II HOA
Native Seed Swaps
Seed Swaps are a gateway to native gardening
Native Seed Swaps increase access to regionally adapted native seeds. We invite you to adopt seeds collected by Wild Ones members and supporters from their own Front Range gardens. Our goal is to get more native plants growing in home landscapes. As your plants establish and flourish, you will witness the abundance of life that they bring to your garden.
Seed Swaps boost biodiversity
Often it is said that native landscaping’s biggest challenge is finding the plants. But seeds are abundant, readily available, and inexpensive to boot! Often nursery staff do not have the time, the expertise or the resources to grow a wide variety of native plants. That limits public access to the diversity of species that we need to support a healthy home garden habitat. By learning to cultivate native seeds, we can become better stewards of our gardens. Pollinators need a variety of plants that bloom at different times throughout the season. Some plants provide nectar, others yield pollen, and nutritional values vary with each species. A healthy diet is a diverse diet: what’s true for people is true for pollinators.
Seed Swaps promote community engagement
Native Seed Swaps provide an opportunity for Wild Ones members to serve the broader community. We hope that in the future you will be eager to collect seeds and share them with your family, friends and neighbors. One Prairie Coneflower — a single flower — produces hundreds of seeds. There is always plenty of seed to share. Join the movement!