

Boulder Regional Social and Seed Intake

This event has ended
Sunday, November 17th, 2024
to (Mountain Time)
Boulder Public Library/Main Library Flatirons Room, 1001 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO, 80302 Map

Public Welcome Chapter Social Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking

Join us for a meeting to socialize, clean some seeds, take in seed donations, and organize and label seeds for our December and winter seed swaps and propagation events.  Please do bring:  clean empty plastic containers to store seeds in (anything from old prescription bottles to peanut butter jars work); seeds from native plants which you have collected from your yard (if you need help removing fluff or seed hulls or knowing if the seed are viable, that's what this event is for!).    Don't feel like you can't come if you don't have seeds; we want this to be social, educational, and community building for our Boulder region. We had fun in October and we have more seeds, so we're going to ddo it again.  Feel free to bring tools for cleaning/harvesting seeds, such as:  a cookie sheet or two.  A salad spinner.  A hand lens/magnifying glass.  A colander.  A kitchen bowl.  Your copy of the Flora of Colorado or other reference material you think might be helpful.  Check out the video in the read more link.  Any questions (about tools, species, etc), please contact Kristine Johnson [email protected] or Kimberly Lehman [email protected] 

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