

Denver Pollinator/Native Plant Swap

This event has ended
Saturday, June 22nd, 2024
to (Mountain Time)
EarthLinks, 2746 W 13th Ave, Denver, CO, 80204 Map

Public Welcome Family Friendly Free Event Seed/Plant Swap Wheelchair Accessible

Wild Ones Front Range is partnering with People and Pollinators Action Network and EarthLinks to host the annual Denver Pollinator/Native Plant Swap.  

All plants are grown by volunteers and community members; plant stock is not commercially grown.  

A link to more information is coming soon including:

Participation:  No need to bring plants to receive plants.

Plant Donations:  

   -  No plants grown with pesticide nor neonicotinoids

   -  No noxious weeds as defined by the CDA

   -  Labeling specifications

Bring your own container to take plants home.

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