

Boulder Regional Native Seed Swap

This event has ended
Saturday, December 2nd, 2023
to (Mountain Time)
Boulder Main Library, 1001 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO, 80302 Map

Public Welcome Family-Friendly Free Event Seed/Plant Share Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Drinking Fountains

The Wild Ones Front Range Boulder region is holding a native seed swap for the general public on December 2, 2023 from 1-3pm at the Main Boulder Library, 1001 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder..  This is a great time to get seeds for winter sowing and boost your yard's biodiversity by using native plants to support a sustainable landscape that uses less water and supports local pollinators.

If you are sharing seeds, please only bring regionally native seeds--those occurring naturally in Colorado or adjacent states, including Texas because the Oklahoma panhandle is so narrow.  Please, no noxious weed seeds nor seeds treated with pesticides/neonicotonoids.  Please ensure proper labeling for the folks that want to take your seeds home:

Botanical name, Common name, Date collected, City & Elevation collected, your first initial and last name.

No seeds to share?  No problem.  Seed donations aren't required to participate.  Nor is propagation experience required. Volunteers will be available to answer questions and point you to available resources.  

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