Tour of Denver's Greenverein Garden at Turnverein
Denver Turnverein
Public Welcome Free Event Public Garden Tour Group Tour Free Public Parking
Join us for a garden tour of the Greenverein Garden, which was started in 2019 as a collaboration between Denver Turnverein, Uptown on the Hill, and Front Range Wild Ones on a former Denver hell strip located on Clarkson St.!
The garden is 100' long and 11' wide and uses berms, swales, check dams, urbanite, passive water catchment and other creative techniques to establish a garden highlighting native plants.
This tour will be hosted by Wild Ones members, Christine Gust and Lisa Olsen, along with other volunteers who installed and now maintain the garden.
Don't forget to check out the video below ("Read More") to learn about how the garden was planned and installed in its beginning stages!
We hope that you will come and share in excitement as we discover how this young native plant garden has matured!
Even though this tour is free, we appreciate that you register below so that we know you're coming. SPACES ARE LIMITED, REGISTER SOON!