Third Annual Denver Native Plant Swap and Giveaway
Public Welcome Free Event Seed/Plant Share
Check out our Annual Denver Native Plant Swap and Giveaway!
This is a free event!
While bringing plants isn’t a requirement, we encourage you to bring some native plants from your gardens or propagation efforts to help with inventory and establish more native plants along the Front Range.
DENVER WILD ONES FOLKS - If you’re interested in VOLUNTEERING and assisting with transplanting efforts and/or pop-up “Dig & Donate” events in which we salvage native plant volunteers from reputable Denver metro native gardens for the swap, please contact Peggy Hanson, WOFR Swap Chair, at [email protected].
Likewise, if you have or know of a native garden with unwanted plant volunteers and you need help donating them, please contact Peggy! We need to share those plants!
The event is sponsored by People and Pollinators Action Network, Earthlinks and Wild Ones Front Range Chapter.