

Denver Native Plant Swap and Giveaway

This event has ended
Sunday, June 12th, 2022
to (Mountain Time)
Earthlinks, 2746 W. 13th Ave., Denver, CO, 80204 Map

Public Welcome Free Event Seed/Plant Share Wheelchair Accessible Free Public Parking

Whether you are new to natives or a seasoned native gardener, swaps are opportune ways to engage with like-minded gardeners and delight in sharing new plant finds. The Denver Swap & Giveaway is a collaborative event between Wild Ones, Colorado Native Plant Society, EarthLinks, and PPAN. Our collective goal is to fill native pollinator-friendly plants into our landscapes. GET INVOLVED! We need your help to make this event successful. Donate Seedlings Grow to share native plants or seedlings -- more information here. Need help potting up unwanted volunteers? Contact Robert Greer Volunteer Sign up for one of 3 shifts Share your experience growing and planting native plant species. Come ‘shop' Plant new native species in your yard and learn about new plants and best practices. Bring a friend ... or two! Join with other plant enthusiasts in sharing our excitement...and knowledge. Donate Financial contributions will underwrite other swaps and educational programs. Have other questions? Contact Peggy Hanson at [email protected]

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