Fort Collins Pollinator/Native Plant Swap and Giveaway
Ft. Collins Xeriscape Demonstration Garden, 300 Laporte Ave., Ft. Collins, CO Map
Public Welcome Free Event Seed/Plant Share Wheelchair Accessible Free Public Parking
Pollinator Plant Swap Saturday, June 18, 9 a.m.-noon Xeriscape Demonstration Garden, 300 Laporte Ave. Dig up, divide and donate pollinator plants grown free of chemicals from your garden. No plants to swap? No problem! You do not need to donate to take plants home. Please bring your own bag or box to take your new plants home. We welcome donations of any pollinator plants, including native & non-native flowers, trees, shrubs, vegetables, herbs & other edibles. We are highlighting native plants at this swap because of their importance for native pollinator conservation. Donating plants? Please review the following guidelines: • Label plants using provided plant tags or masking tape with as much information as possible, including: o common name o Latin name (for natives) o sun requirements (sun, part shade, full shade) o water requirements once established (very low, occasional, regular) • Plants must be grown free of chemicals to protect pollinators. This means no herbicides, pesticides, fungicides or synthetic fertilizers. • To protect our natural areas, we also cannot accept plant donations that are listed as noxious weeds by the CO Dept. of Agriculture. Questions? Contact [email protected]. This event is brought to you by: Audubon Rockies, Fort Collins Audubon Society, League of Women Voters, Nature in the City, People & Pollinators Action Network, and Wild Ones Front Range Chapter, Northern Chapter of the Colorado Native Plant Society and Wildland Restoration Volunteers