Category: Sustainability

Compost and the Native Plant Garden

By Kristine Johnson What is compost? Compost is the “managed, aerobic (oxygen-requiring) biological decomposition of organic materials by microorganisms.” While we know that everything living eventually breaks down and returns nutrients to the earth, the process of composting can speed up decomposition, benefit certain decomposers, conserve nutrients, and yield a uniform product useful in gardening.   […] Continue reading "Compost and the Native Plant Garden"

Your Landscape Actions Can Actually Save the Planet!

(Or at least help, a lot) By Kristine Johnson The Wild Ones mission statement focuses on native plants for healthy ecosystems, and the Front Range Chapter speaks to landscaping for a climate-resilient future. Why is this important, and what can sound gardening techniques anchored on native plants provide beyond this? Many people know that we […] Continue reading "Your Landscape Actions Can Actually Save the Planet!"

Rainwater Harvesting

By Kristine Johnson The Front Range is the dry boundary of the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains. In Boulder, Colorado, where I live, we receive about 20 inches (51 cm) of precipitation per year, peaking in late Spring. One problem with gardening in this relatively arid environment is that many Colorado residents moved here […] Continue reading "Rainwater Harvesting"

I Know You Want To Water Less

By Deb Lebow Aal In July, 2021, we reprinted an article from Harlequin Gardens on tips and tricks to water less. We’d like to highlight some of those tricks, again, add to them, and update some ideas from that article. That article focused on the advantages of xeriscaping your landscape; we’ve moved away from that […] Continue reading "I Know You Want To Water Less"

Sustainable Flowers, One Bouquet at a Time

By Ayn Schmit, Wild Ones Front Range member and flower enthusiast, and Helen Skiba, owner, Farmette Flowers in Longmont Why would Front Rangers passionate about native landscaping care about growing flowers for bouquets ourselves or supporting our local farmers who grow them? Have you ever wondered where that flower bouquet you picked up from the […] Continue reading "Sustainable Flowers, One Bouquet at a Time"