Category: Maintenance

Compost and the Native Plant Garden

By Kristine Johnson What is compost? Compost is the “managed, aerobic (oxygen-requiring) biological decomposition of organic materials by microorganisms.” While we know that everything living eventually breaks down and returns nutrients to the earth, the process of composting can speed up decomposition, benefit certain decomposers, conserve nutrients, and yield a uniform product useful in gardening.   […] Continue reading "Compost and the Native Plant Garden"

Tips and Tricks for Gardening with Native Plants on the Front Range

Compiled by Karen Vanderwall This month we thought we would update something we’ve done before and ask our Chapter Board of Directors for nuggets of wisdom from their experience planting natives in their own landscapes—passing on tips, and tricks that will help you establish and enjoy your native garden in the diverse and complex climate […] Continue reading "Tips and Tricks for Gardening with Native Plants on the Front Range"

Protecting Colorado Native Bee Habitat | Spring Stem Cleanup

By Jenifer Heath Honey bees are native to Europe and were imported to the U.S. There are over 900 different bee species that are native to Colorado. About 30 percent of our native bee species nest in stems. Most are not yellow and black and only 12 percent of species are social; the rest are […] Continue reading "Protecting Colorado Native Bee Habitat | Spring Stem Cleanup"

Bird Feeders and Avian Flu

by Deb Lebow Aal Colorado Parks and Wildlife and many others are recommending taking down bird feeders and baths because of the appearance of avian flu in wild birds. On April 10, 2022, Wyoming Game and Fish Department received results of a Blackbilled Magpie that tests positive for HPAI H5N1 (avian flu). Multiple other birds […] Continue reading "Bird Feeders and Avian Flu"

Towards a Zero Waste Gardening Goal

by Deb Lebow Aal In addition to Alex’s plastic-free seed-starting method, I wanted to write about how we can garden with less waste in general. Since Wild Ones’ goal is not just encouraging native plant gardening, but also sustainable gardening, it only seems right. First, a word about why we should be reducing our plastics […] Continue reading "Towards a Zero Waste Gardening Goal"

Colorado Native Plant Gardening Myths

By Deb Lebow Aal I love being asked to look at people’s yards. I am not a professional landscaper, but I read gardening books like they’re novels, and from many years of gardening I know enough to give some advice. I frequently hear garden myths that I am reluctant to rebut on the spot, but […] Continue reading "Colorado Native Plant Gardening Myths"

A More Sustainable Gardening Ethic

by Deb Lebow Aal January 2020, a year ago, which, yes, seems like ten years ago, the feature article for the Wild Ones Front Range Chapter newsletter was “A Call to Action,” asking what we have done, or will do, to inspire and empower people to garden in an environmentally-sound way.  This is a check-in, […] Continue reading "A More Sustainable Gardening Ethic"

Extending the Season of Bloom to Support the Local Web of Life

by Cynthia Reiners Phenology: the study of cyclic and seasonal natural phenomena, especially in relation to climate and plant and animal life. — from Oxford Languages “In 1492 Columbus did not so much discover The New World as begin to make A New World” [italics added]    — Charles Mann, 1493 “Knitting together the seams of Pangea”    — Alfred Crosby, The […] Continue reading "Extending the Season of Bloom to Support the Local Web of Life"

Pollinator Garden Tips

by Jenifer Health  In my reading and experience I’ve come across several ways to boost the value of my yard for pollinators. This article provides my favorite tips and tricks to enhance the value of your pollinator garden.   Gardens that help pollinators are very important ecologically. Even a small space, like an apartment patio, balcony or deck, […] Continue reading "Pollinator Garden Tips"