Fourth Annual
Denver Pollinator/Native* Plant Swap & Giveaway
Saturday, June 22, 2024 10am – 1pm
at Earthlinks – 2746 West 13th Avenue, Denver
* This swap focuses on regionally native plants.
Please consider carpooling, taking public transportation, walking or riding your bike if you’re able to.
Bring: Boxes, trays, and baskets to carry plants.
More Parking Info & Map »
Join us for our fourth annual pollinator/native plant swap event at Earthlinks! All gardening levels will find some treasure at this FREE event where community makes it happen. Share your propagation successes or dig and donate those “volunteer” seedlings that occurred naturally in your garden bed. Learn about plant and pollinator connections as you select regionally native plants* for YOUR garden objectives with the help of volunteers. Nothing to swap? No problem! There will be plenty of plants on hand and volunteers to help. Please bring your own bag, basket, tray or box to transport your plants home.

We are expecting over 6,000 plants! Here’s a list below of some of what we’ll have to offer…
Note that many more plants will be available, not everything is on the list! Download a PDF »
Download the available Native Plant List in a PDF »
Note that not all the native plants we’ll have are on this list, which was created on 6/18/2024. There will be lots more plants available, including all the native plants people bring to the swap that we haven’t counted yet.
Swaps rely on volunteer participation.
1. Donate regionally native *plants – Now in our fourth year, we hope more prior swap recipients are inspired to help in this movement by completing the cycle and bringing some of your plant reproductions to share. This is a wonderful opportunity to “share it forward” and expand the plant supply for new native plant gardeners!
Please follow these general guidelines:
- Label Plants
- The plant’s botanical (Latin) name
- The plant’s common name
- Your first initial and last name
- Only donate plants that are grown chemical-free and are NOT listed on the Colorado Dept. of Agriculture’s noxious weed list.
- Let us know what you’re bringing here – it helps with an efficient set up and adequate signage.
- Donation drop off options:
- We encourage folks to drop off their plants at our official drop off event, Friday, June 21, 3:00-5:00pm at Earthlinks, 2746 West 13th Avenue, Denver. If not able, no problem!
- We can coordinate a drop at one of our locations before the swap. Same idea for folks who have plants to donate but cannot attend. Contact Peggy Hanson at [email protected]
- And of course, you can always bring plant donations when you come, but we love to get them out early on swap day so more people can “shop” them.
Help us spread the word & share this event on Facebook »

2. Dig & Donate Opportunities: Whether you need help digging up to donate your native seedling volunteers in your garden or want to get your hands dirty helping in the effort at pop-up dig & donate events, contact Peggy Hanson at [email protected]
3. Supplies: Have extra 2”-3″ pots and plastic trays you can donate by mid-June? Contact Peggy at email above.
4. Volunteer at the swap event. Your experience and your helping hands make a big difference. SIGN-UP HERE
* What is a “regionally native” plant?
Plants native to Colorado and bordering states. If you want to verify your plants are regionally native, check out the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Digital Data Base. Enter your plant name, scroll to the bottom and see where it occurs naturally.
Why are we restricting to regionally native plants?
Native plants have co-evolved with the fauna in the region. They hold a specific niche, a life-preserver if you will, for the native insects and birds that rely on them. Besides providing food and habitat, native plants require less water than traditional landscape plants because they evolved in these tough conditions; they’ve adapted and thrive here. Help us help improve the Front Range ecology by incorporating more native plants into our gardens and pollinator corridors.
Parking Info:
Please carpool, ride a bike, walk, or take public transportation if you can since parking is very limited due to construction in the area, which was supposed to be completed by now, but unfortunately it is not and Decatur St on EarthLink’s west side is closed to vehicles. Street parking is an option, but scarce. If you do drive, you may need to park a few blocks away and walk.
Bring good walking shoes, baskets, wagons, boxes, trays, or what you can to carry your plants a distance.
EarthLinks has limited parking in the alley accessed from Bryant, but be aware that you might be blocked in for a bit if traffic backs up since Bryant is the only access to the alley.
Street parking: W 13th Ave is open as are other side streets in the neighborhood.
Public transportation: Light rail station at Decatur and Federal, on the W line, a 5 min walk to EarthLinks.
Note: Google says 13th is closed, but it is not closed, only Decatur is closed currently.
Please do not park at the blockade, it will block people from doing u-turns!

Thanks to our partners: