Boulder Regional Plant Swap

Boulder Regional Plant Swap
Sunday, June 2nd, 2024
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (Mountain Time)

Dry Creek Farm
9120 N 75th St, Longmont, CO, 80503 Map

Wild Ones Front Range is hosting their inaugural Boulder Regional Plant Swap!  All plants are grown by volunteers and community members; plant stock isn’t commercially grown.

Participation: no need to bring plants to receive plants.

Plant donations:
Please follow these general guidelines:

Label Plants:
• The plant’s botanical (Latin) name
• The plant’s common name
• Your first initial and last name

No plants grown with pesticides nor neonicotinoids. No noxious weeds as defined by the CDA Labelling specifications.

Volunteer for a shift at this event, signup at:

Please review & register for a volunteer shifts at the link above to sign up for a 3 hour shift that works for you. Knowledge about native and pollinator plants is a plus, but not required. In fact, volunteering will help you learn more about them if you’re interested!

Help us spread the word and share the event on Facebook: