Tag: Colorado Native Plants

Gamble on a Gambel Oak and Some Other Colorado Native Trees for the Front Range

by Deborah Lebow Aal You are right. There aren’t many native trees on the Front Range. I wrote an article on Native Trees for the Colorado Front Range a few years ago, but since we have so many new members, and since it is perhaps the most common question I get (What trees do you recommend?), we will […] Continue reading "Gamble on a Gambel Oak and Some Other Colorado Native Trees for the Front Range"

A More Sustainable Gardening Ethic

by Deb Lebow Aal January 2020, a year ago, which, yes, seems like ten years ago, the feature article for the Wild Ones Front Range Chapter newsletter was “A Call to Action,” asking what we have done, or will do, to inspire and empower people to garden in an environmentally-sound way.  This is a check-in, […] Continue reading "A More Sustainable Gardening Ethic"

Extending the Season of Bloom to Support the Local Web of Life

by Cynthia Reiners Phenology: the study of cyclic and seasonal natural phenomena, especially in relation to climate and plant and animal life. — from Oxford Languages “In 1492 Columbus did not so much discover The New World as begin to make A New World” [italics added]    — Charles Mann, 1493 “Knitting together the seams of Pangea”    — Alfred Crosby, The […] Continue reading "Extending the Season of Bloom to Support the Local Web of Life"

Plant Profile: Liatris Punctata

Jan Midgley, a board member of Wild Ones Front Range Chapter, is developing a series of plant profiles for common perennials of the Colorado Front Range. Below is just an excerpt from the first in this series. For a more in-depth dive, head to our website.  By Jan Midgley In Colorado, Liatris punctata (Dotted blazing star) is […] Continue reading "Plant Profile: Liatris Punctata"

Pollinator Garden Tips

by Jenifer Health  In my reading and experience I’ve come across several ways to boost the value of my yard for pollinators. This article provides my favorite tips and tricks to enhance the value of your pollinator garden.   Gardens that help pollinators are very important ecologically. Even a small space, like an apartment patio, balcony or deck, […] Continue reading "Pollinator Garden Tips"

Introducing the Greenverein Garden: A Haven for Nature in Downtown Denver 

By Lisa Olsen Residents of the North Capitol Hill neighborhood in Denver have noticed a lot of activity at the Denver Turnverein. Founded in 1865, the Denver Turnverein is a member-supported non-profit focused on the educational, social, and physical benefits of dancing. Built in 1920, Denver’s premier dance hall is celebrating its hundredth anniversary this year. […] Continue reading "Introducing the Greenverein Garden: A Haven for Nature in Downtown Denver "

BALANCE…and Soil

by Deborah Lebow Aal with help from Jan Midgely and Carla DeMasters This is a particularly odd time to be talking about native plants and gardening. As we continue to grapple with systemic racism in our country, and truly around the world, and the ever-present global pandemic, it’s a hard time to focus on non-human issues. […] Continue reading "BALANCE…and Soil"

Climate Change and Landscape Change 

By Tom Swihart The picture above was taken on the first day of Spring in Denver. Springtime in the Rockies. Buckle up! The forecast is for even more extreme weather shifts. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA)  Climate Summary for Colorado, we are already experiencing above average annual temperatures, above average numbers of very hot […] Continue reading "Climate Change and Landscape Change "

Let’s Talk Water and Yes, Native Plants Too

By Deborah Lebow Aal Ah, yes, water. It IS the weather in Colorado.  We are constantly talking about water. Skiers are obsessed with the snowpack; anglers are obsessed with river flow; farmers talk about the drought that seems to be omni-present. But, is it really a drought if it’s the normal condition? Denver gets an average of about 15 […] Continue reading "Let’s Talk Water and Yes, Native Plants Too"

Can You Get Your Community to Act? Town of Erie Example

By Tom Swihart An important goal for the Front Range Chapter of Wild Ones is for members to move their own yard toward native landscaping – and then move their neighbors in the same direction. The example you set can show your neighbors and friends how native landscaping is both possible and desirable. Upgrading yards, […] Continue reading "Can You Get Your Community to Act? Town of Erie Example"